Top 15 Amazing Health And Beauty Benefits Of Yarrow Essential Oil

Top 15 Amazing Health And Beauty Benefits Of Yarrow Essential Oil

The essential oil of Yarrow is extracted by steam distillation of the dried plant. Its main components are Alpha Pinene, Borneol Acetate, Borneol, Beta Pinene, Camphene, Cineole, Camphor, Chamazulene, Gamma Terpinene, Isoartemisia Ketone, Limonene, Sabinene and Tricyclene. You must be well acquainted with these components by now and can assume what medicinal properties an essential oil may have just by looking at its components.

1.Helps With Wounds
The Latin name of the yarrow plant, Achillea Millefolium, reflects its rich background. If the myths are to be believed, the centaur Chiron had given this very plant to Achilles to cure the wounds he suffered at the battlefield. Thus, there is no doubt that it has healing powers. The Yarrow plant is processed and made into an essential oil. When this oil is applied to the wounds, it will form a protective sheath to prevent the wounds from being septic. Thus, it acts as an antiseptic and helps treat minor wounds.

This oil increases perspiration and helps in the removal of toxins, extra salt and water from the body. This also cools down the body and gives relief from fever, along with losing weight, as urine is approximately 4% fat.

3.Helps Against Spasms
Spasms are uncomfortable, and those who suffer from spasms will vouch for this. Studies suggest that the Yarrow plant can cure or help with such extreme contractions of your body, and give enough respite to those who suffer from recurrent spasmodic attacks.

Just like the other essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary and hyssop essential oils with expectorant, analgesic and decongestant properties, yarrow essential oil is also effective in treating respiratory problems like congestion, cough, bronchitis, asthma attacks, cold and controls the secretion of phlegm. Adding few drops of this oil to your chest rub can grant you great relief from all sorts of respiratory problems. A research on the �Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil and methanol extracts of Achillea millefolium subsp. millefolium Afan. (Asteraceae)� by the Cumhuriyet University revealed that �Eucalyptol, camphor, alpha-terpineol, beta-pinene, and borneol were the principal components comprising 60.7% of the oil�. This makes Yarrow essential oil as a promising natural remedy in treating cold, fever, cough and other respiratory disorders.

5. Diaphoretic
We all suffer from water retention at some time or the other. This water retention sabotages our weight loss goals. Get rid of the toxins, salts and excessive water from your body with the help of this essential oil. This will soon lead to the loss in weight as with the water weight gone, you will strikingly tone down.

Are you afraid of those untimely air-cannon shots in the midst of a party which leave you irritated or have you been suffering from flatulence, heaviness in the chest and the intestines, indigestion, chest pain, loss of appetite, or stomach aches etc.? Do you know what causes them? It is that good old gas., which is left surprisingly untreated for a long time, which can be highly dangerous in the long term.  Try this essential oil. It removes gases from the intestines in a downward path and does not let them build up either. Try it at home and experience the relief for yourself.

7. Tones The Whole Body
Yarrow essential oil helps in optimizing the metabolic functions of the body, such as the absorption of essential nutrients and the decomposition of the food. When the metabolism of your body is boosted, you will be able to tone down easily.

Remember those ads for toothpaste which said that �It�s incredible astringent tightens up the loosened gums�? Yes! It is the same astringent we are talking about. The actual function of an astringent is to bring about contractions, in muscles, tissues and even in blood vessels. This effect proves beneficial for us. When it results in the contraction of the gums, the teeth are secured. In case of scalp and hair follicles, it strengthens hair and eliminates hair loss. Furthermore, Yarrow essential oil improved saggy skin and muscles which resulted from aging, and thus gave people a younger look. And that is not all! It can also lessen bleeding or hemorrhage by bringing contraction to the blood vessels. The finishing touch! The Essential Oil of Yarrow has astringent properties.

The obstructed menses can be turned on with the help of this essential oil and can be made regular. Furthermore, the other problems associated with periods, such as fatigue, headache, abdominal pains, or nausea can also be tackled with the help of this oil. This essential oil can also help avoid early or untimely menopause from occurring.

Common antiseptic creams and lotions available in the market can hardly match its performance as an anti septic. It protects wounds from being septic and other bacterial, fungal or viral infections. It forms a protective covering on the wound and activates the blood platelets and leucocytes at the effected place, thereby checking the intrusion of microbes. Furthermore, the oil itself has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which effectively kills them and adds to the effect.

A stomachic keeps your stomach in good condition by maintaining the proper flow of digestive juices into it. This is done by maintaining the right balance between the acid and bile (so that excess acids are neutralized) and by curing the wounds, if any, in the stomach. It soothes the stomach and gives relief from inflammation.

Being good for circulation, it is good for rheumatic or arthritic patients too. It improves circulation and thereby prevents accumulation of uric acid in the joints and muscles, thus helping cure rheumatism and arthritis. Added to that, the diaphoretic property of this oil helps remove the toxins from body through perspiration.

This property of Yarrow essential oil tones up the whole body. It optimizes the metabolic functions like decomposition of food and the absorption of nutrients by toning up the liver, stomach and intestines, and helps you grow stronger and healthier. Furthermore, it takes care of proper excretion, regulates the endocrinal secretions of hormones and enzymes, and tones up the nervous system, thus making you more alert and active, while finally, it boosts the immune system, protecting you from infections.

Your first guess was right! The Essential Oil of Yarrow is anti inflammatory in nature. It can efficiently handle inflammation of any types; be it of nasal or respiratory tracts resulting from the common cold, the digestive system caused by overeating of spicy food, or perhaps inflammation  of circulatory system caused by any toxin (venom, narcotics etc.) getting into the blood stream.

Yarrow essential oil can give the best of anti-scar and anti-mark creams a run for their money. Apply this essential oil to post-pregnancy scars or the scars left behind by acne, and within barely a few weeks, your skin will be scar-free!

Yarrow essential oil has been used since ages to treat a myriad of health conditions. It was not until a few years ago that studies also substantiated its health benefits. If you are on the lookout for an oil that you can use for an occasional tummy ache or a nagging cold, look no further than Yarrow!

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